A group of older women dressed in purple with red hats stand at the sea line on a beach.

An age-friendly photography competition

How we are represented as we grow older matters. Cliché, negative or stereotypical images can impact other people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviours towards us, and they can even impact our ideas about ourselves – including what we think we are capable or worthy of. 

Images which instead capture the diversity and reality of ageing play a vital role in challenging this. Read on to find out how Age Friendly North Norfolk celebrated age-friendly images when they hosted a photography competition to mark our Action Day.

The Action Day is a chance for individuals and communities, workplaces, friends and families to learn, take action and help change the way we think about ageing. In 2024 the theme was ‘See and Be Seen’. 

The Action Day photography competition, hosted by Age Friendly North Norfolk in partnership with Healthier Sheringham community groups, was designed to increase understanding that there is no one way to age, and show that the negative images of ageing we see every day often do not reflect reality. As Lucy, the competition project lead, told us, “often when people think of an image of an older person their mind will immediately go to a frail older person with a walking aid, or an image of wrinkly hands. The competition was open to everyone and, as a result, aimed to get people of all ages thinking about positive attitudes around age and challenging those negative stereotypes.”

Challenging conventional ideas about ageing

This aligned with the ‘See and Be Seen’ Action Day theme, which was all about representation and visibility. Lucy said, “See and Be Seen is all about a change in attitude. It’s about challenging that stereotype of ageing being negative and older people being burdensome, or somehow less valuable. We want our older residents to be seen for the amazing contributions, influences and impacts they make to their communities. We also want all our residents to feel confident that they can age healthily, be respected and be valued, whatever their age and ability.”

Lucy added, “the images we received were of our residents being active in their allotments, taking part in sports, even go-karting and enjoying a rope swing.”

The age-friendly photography exhibition

There were 32 entries, and the competition was judged by 9 members of the North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership’s Older People Working Group*.

The winners of the competition were announced on the Action Day alongside the launch of an exhibition. Lucy said, “after the competition closed, a display of all of the entries was set up in one of our amazing local libraries. This allowed more residents to see the pictures and be made aware of the Action Day, some of whom may not have heard of it at all. After two weeks in situ, the display moved around three other libraries in the district to spread the message further!”

The response to the photography competition and exhibition was overwhelmingly positive. Lucy told us, “people commented on how positive the images were, and how much fun some of the people pictured appeared to be having. People were awed by some of the images, and the stories behind them, such as 72-year-old Jean who walked for 12 hours and raised £6,000 for Macmillan, World Champion cyclist Phil who trains three hours a day, and 82-year-old Robert who was pictured completing his 352nd parkrun.”

What’s next? 

Earlier this year, North Norfolk joined the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities. When we asked Age Friendly North Norfolk about their plans to keep challenging ageism, Lucy explained that “challenging stereotypes, developing a positive attitude towards ageing in our communities and promoting an ethos of healthy ageing will be a foundation of our Age-friendly work.”

Scroll through the carousel below to explore some of the competition entries!

*The North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership’s Older People Working Group (OPWG) is made up of organisations, community groups and charities that have an interest in working together to support older residents across Norfolk, including North Norfolk District Council, Age UK Norfolk and others.

Photo credits: Banner image -'Red Hat Ladies' by Sally Redgrave, Carousel 1 - 'Champion 2' by Darren Neale, Carousel 2 - 'Raising money for Macmillan' by Jeanne Smith, Carousel 3 - 'Young at heart' by Russell Sparkes, Carousel 4 - 'Dance lesson' by Samantha Ashford, Carousel 5 - 'Cromer and Sheringham Brass Band' by Jane Bussey.

Looking for age-positive images to use in your work? Explore our image library here.