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A behind the scenes image showing four women sat on chairs in a row with a film crew in front of them.

Women trailblazers in the media come together to discuss the realities of ageism

We gathered a panel of brilliant women from across the media to discuss the realities of ageism. Learn more and watch the conversation.

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A group of older women dressed in purple with red hats stand at the sea line on a beach.

An age-friendly photography competition

Find out how Age Friendly North Norfolk celebrated age-positive images when they hosted a photography competition to mark our Action Day.

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An older woman smiles at an older man while both chop vegetables in a kitchen.

Celebrating the roles older people play in our communities

This International Day of Older People, we will celebrate the vital roles older people play in making our communities better places to be.

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A group of older people on stage at a theatre

A theatre show to defy ageist assumptions

We caught up with the ExEl Theatre Company to learn more about their stereotype-challenging Action Day theatre show.

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A woman sits at a desk behind two computer screens. She is typing on a keyboard.

How to navigate ageist attitudes as an employee or jobseeker

Learn more about how ageism can impact the workplace or jobseeking, and explore top tips we've heard for finding a job as an older worker.

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Three images showing older people posing in different clothes

Celebrating ageing with an intergenerational fashion show

Learn more about Age UK Carlisle and Eden's celebratory, intergenerational Action Day fashion show.

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